
Professional experience placements in a remote community


Professional experience placements in remote communities. Picture of teacher on left hand side.

Undertaking your professional experience in a rural or remote community is a fantastic opportunity for preservice teachers to experience what it’s like to teach in the community without making a long-term commitment. Even better, you may be eligible for the department's Beyond the Range Grant designed to assist with placement-related expenses. We spoke to 3 teachers about their experiences and the financial support they received through the Beyond the Range Professional Experience Grant (BTR Grant).


Teacher on a boat holding a crocodile skull.

Paige is a third-generation teacher who accessed the BTR Grant twice during her final year of university.

'As a student who worked part-time and lived out of home, I’d always felt limited by the fact that I couldn’t afford the travel and accommodation costs if I was to do a placement outside of Brisbane, so hearing about the grants and how easy it was to apply, really opened the door for me,’ she said.

'Simple things like those first few grocery shops, filling your car, or shopping online in bulk due to extended shipping time can really put a financial strain on you.'

'The BTR grant gives you the opportunity to experience teaching, living and exploring rural and remote communities to see if it’s the right fit for you.'


Teacher with students

When friends persuaded Georgie to complete her final professional experience placement in a remote community, she could never have guessed where it would take her.

Georgie ventured from the Gold Coast to Far North Queensland to experience teaching and living in the remote Aboriginal community of Mornington Island.

'The Beyond the Range Experience Grant gave me a certain amount of money for how long and how far away I was from my home, and I used that to support myself while doing my placement,' she said.

'This really helped out because generally, when you do a placement or an internship, you don't earn any money unless you have a job outside of school hours.'

Georgie enjoyed the experience so much that she decided to return to teach at Mornington Island State School when she graduated.


Teacher standing in front of University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba sign

Kelly had been working as an actor when Covid lockdowns prompted a career change to something that combined her love of theatre with some stability: teaching drama and creative arts!

Kelly used the BTR Grant to help cover the cost of undertaking her professional experience placement away from home.

'My prac experience in Roma was incredible. The staff were so supportive, welcoming, and inclusive,' Kelly said.

'I could not have gone without the Beyond the Range Grant. We all know that the cost of living is rising—including petrol and groceries—and 5 weeks is a long time to be away, and the grant helped me immensely.'

'The grant works, because I have fallen in love with Roma'.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to experience teaching, living and exploring the local community and surrounds to see if teaching and living in a rural or remote community is the right fit for you, learn how our Beyond the Range Professional Experience Grant might assist you.


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If you’re looking for an opportunity to experience teaching, living and exploring the local community and surrounds to see if teaching and living in a rural or remote community is the right fit for you, learn how our Beyond the Range Professional Experience Grant might assist you.

Beyond the Range Professional Experience Grant

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Last updated 18 July 2024